Capital Markets

Capital Markets

MetLife Investment Management’s Capital Markets Group offers a variety of structures backed by real estate, including cost-effective and flexible real estate based structured-debt and mezzanine loans, such as term warehouse facilities for debt platforms, secured credit facilities comprised of term loans and revolvers, subscription lines secured by investor capital commitments and financing of loan portfolio acquisitions, performing and nonperforming portfolios.


  • Committed to the real estate business for 140+ years1
  • Ability to close large transactions
  • Cost-effective/flexible structures
  • Ability to structure transactions aligned with borrower’s needs
    • Variable maturity notes, fixed or floating, substitution of collateral
  • Streamlined approval process and certainty of execution

Lending Guidelines2

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MIM has invested on behalf of the MetLife general account since 1875 and on behalf of third parties since 2012.

For illustrative purposes only; not a guarantee of the characteristics of any loan.