A Return to Uncertainty

A Return to Uncertainty

Shan Ahmed Tani Fukui Drew T. Matus
MAR 19, 2025
A Return to Uncertainty

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We believe that even though 2025 is off to a rough start, firms and consumers will continue to adapt, and growth will stabilize over the year. Many of the negative impacts of lower activity in the beginning of the year (weaker consumer spending, weaker consumer confidence and high imports to front-run tariffs) are idiosyncratic and have the potential to be offset in subsequent quarters, resulting in overall growth that is healthy, albeit weaker than 2024.

Economic and investment uncertainty was high in October and November 2024 owing to the pending U.S. elections. Firms took a “wait and see” attitude toward making decisions. Uncertainty popped post-election, but mixed economic indicators and the new administration’s recent policies have created new short-term uncertainties for monetary policy, the government’s contribution to growth and firms’ investment decisions that can be resolved with clarity about the new administration’s policy.