Our Partnerships

Supporting Sustainability Initiatives

MetLife Investment Management (MIM) is an active participant in a number of industry bodies and initiatives supporting sustainability. We believe these partnerships can help deliver sustainable outcomes for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Our Partnerships

Principles for Responsible Investment

MIM is proud to be a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2019. PRI’s mission states that they believe that “an economically efficient, sustainable global financial system is a necessity for long-term value creation, which will reward long-term, responsible investment and benefit the environment and society as a whole”. As an investment manager, MIM is committed to the adoption and implementation of PRI’s six principles, which are a voluntary and aspirational set of investment principles that offer a menu of possible actions for incorporating ESG issues into investment practice. See below in the grey section at the bottom of this page for applicable entities of MIM.

Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN)

MetLife is a member of the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN). The GIIN is the leading nonprofit dedicated to increasing the scale and effectiveness of impact investing. Impact investments are made into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. Impact investments can be made in both emerging and developed markets, and target a range of returns from below market to market rate, depending upon the circumstances. Our membership signifies a commitment to deepening our engagement in the impact investing industry.

ILPA Diversity in Action

MIM is proud to be a signatory to the Institutional Limited Partners Association’s (ILPA) Diversity in Action (DIA) Initiative that aims to support the private equityindustry community to advance diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. All ILPA DIA signatories commit to specific actions that advance DEI over time. Such examples include tracking internal hiring and promotion statistics by gender and race/ethnicity, or having in place diverse employee resource groups.


MetLife Investment Management is a proud member of GRESB – as a participant member since 2014 and an investor member since 2022. We have participated in the annual real estate benchmark assessment for several funds since 2014. GRESB assessments are guided by what investors and the industry consider to be material issues in the sustainability performance of real asset investments.

ENERGY STAR ® Partner of the Year

The ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award recognizes MetLife’s efforts to benchmark and certify both corporate office properties and investment properties using EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. It also recognizes the company’s work to promote energy efficiency practices and ENERGY STAR resources to all its stakeholders. MetLife has achieved ENERGY STAR certifications for 24.5 million square feet of real estate, contributing to reduced energy use and emissions across its portfolio. MetLife has been recognized as an ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for five consecutive years with distinction as Sustained Excellence for the past three years.

DOE Better Buildings Challenge Partner

Recognizing the impact of buildings on people and the environment, MetLife Investment Management works towards healthy, productive, efficient, and prosperous real estate. As a Better Buildings Challenge Partner, we have committed to a 50% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 and we are committed to meeting an energy reduction target of at least 20% by 2026 over our 45 million-square-foot portfolio.

USGBC Member

MIM believes in the USGBC mission of transforming buildings inorder to provide everyone with a better, more sustainable life. We actively use the USGBC's LEED rating system to improve the sustainability of our new and existing assets. LEED is the world’s most widely used green building system. It provides a framework for healthy, efficient, carbon and cost-saving green buildings. A LEED certification is a globally recognized symbol of sustainability.

IFRS Sustainability Alliance

As a IFRS Sustainability Alliance member, MetLife Investment Management shares the belief with other member organizations that today’s capital markets need standardized sustainability disclosure and effective ESG integration into investment practices – for the benefit of both companies and investors. The IFRS Sustainability Alliance focuses on the SASB Standards, one of the three principal resources to communicate the creation, preservation, and erosion of value offered by the Value Reporting Foundation.


MetLife Investment Management is a CDP investor signatory, signaling our commitment to obtaining data solutions that improve our ESG and sustainability-related analytic and reporting capabilities. CDP’s global disclosure system equips investors with the data needed to engage with portfolio companies on their environmental impact and financial institutions with reliable, comparable data. As a result, capital market participants are better able to mitigate risks associated with increasing climatic uncertainty, including physical, reputational and regulatory risks and companies are better positioned to respond, building resilience throughout their own business and value chains.


MetLife Investment Management has publicly declared support for The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and its recommendations. As a TCFD supporter, we believe the TCFD recommendations provide a useful framework to increase transparency on climate-related risks and opportunities within financial markets.


MetLife Investment Management (MIM) claims compliance with the CFA Institute AssetManager Code.

This claim has not been verified by CFA Institute.

Fitwel Champion

As a Fitwel Champion, MetLife Investment Management is committed to leading the movement to increase the health and wellness of the built environment. We are committed to applying Fitwel at scale and take a portfolio-wide approach to health and wellbeing.

Green Lease Leader

Green Lease Leaders was developed by the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) with support from the U.S. Department of Energy's Better Buildings Alliance. As a Green Lease Leader, MIM srecognize green leasing as a tool to advancing energy, sustainability, health, resilience and equity in buildings globally.

ULI Greenprint Center:  Net Zero Framework

MIM have been aligned to ULI Greenprint’s net zero carbon operations goal since 2022. This is a commitment to reduce the carbon emissions on the real estate portfolio under MIM’s operational control to net zero by the year 2050.

ESG Data Convergence Initiative

MIM is a member of the ESG Data Convergence Initiative (EDCI). The EDCI is a key initiative in the private equity industry and aims to streamline the private investment industry’s historically fragmented approach to collecting ESG data. The EDCI aims to align on a core, standardized set of metrics to better allow comparative reporting, generate progress toward ESG improvements and enable greater transparency.